Travels to the Holy Land in the past and life in it today

Travels to the Holy Land in the past and life in it today

10. 09. 2020 

We kindly invite you to a lecture by Maja Kutin entitled Travels to the Holy Land in the past and life in it today.

The lecture will take place on Thursday, 10th of September 2020, at 18:00 in the Synagogue Maribor, Židovska ulica 4.

Even after the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem and after the Jewish people were scattered around the world, the Promised Land still attracted pilgrims. Those who could not settle permanently at least wanted to touch the ground of their fathers and see with their own eyes the remains of the former homeland and pray in it. When they returned to their community, it was as if they had brought with them four acres of land of the Land of Israel (Eretz Israel). Some Jewish travelers or pilgrims wrote records of their travels, and these are a valuable source of information about the landscape and life in it. One of the travelers was also the philanthropist Sir Moses Montefiore from England, who visited the Promised Land seven times in the 19th century.
With the lecture, we will embark on an interesting exploration of what kind of Jerusalem and Israel he would have seen and what kind you would experience today.

Maja Kutin lived in Israel for more than a decade, and also graduated from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She has extensive experience in product management, marketing and tourism, and is also active in education, journalism, and translating into and out of Hebrew. Through her all-round action, she seeks to promote intercultural dialogue, and she still loves Israel and visits it frequently.

The event is part of the European Days of Jewish Culture 2020 project.
The programs of the Synagogue Maribor are financed by the Municipality of Maribor.


In order to respect the preventive measures to prevent and limit the spread of covid-19 virus, we ask visitors of the event to attend only, if you are healthy without signs of respiratory infection, and at the event to maintain a suitable safety distance of 1,5 m, take care of proper cough hygiene / sneeze and follow other safety instructions of the organizer.

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