The Slovenian Righteous Among Nations

The Slovenian Righteous Among Nations

17. 03. 2016 
– 17. 03. 2016

To stand up against Nazi ideas of biologized “etnicity” and antisemitism required a heroic disposition in individuals who did not allow themselves to have their basic humanity destroyed by such ideologies, even as the latter were backed by formidable political and religious power and sweepingly popular beliefs…

The men and women presented in the first part of the book have already been recognised as Righteous Among Nations for their brave humanitarian acts during WWII, a title bestowed by the Yad Vashem World Center for Holocaust Research, Education, Documentation and Commemmoration. Part Two brings the stories about people who were also saving Jews that were not recognised as Righteous yet, but some among them are candidates. (The Slovenian Righteous Among Nations, ed. Irena Šumi in Oto Luthar, Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2016)

Cordially invited to the presentation of the book “The Slovenian Righteous Among Nations”. The book will be presented by the editors Dr Irena Šumi and Dr Oto Luthar.

The presentation is prepared in cooperation with the ZRC SAZU (Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts) in the framework of the “Stone Tears” project, which is supported by IHRA and Maribor Municipality.


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