The Influence of Religion on Politics and Public Life in the Middle East

The Influence of Religion on Politics and Public Life in the Middle East

18. 10. 2023 
– 18. 10. 2023

In the second issue of year 77 (2022) and in the first issue of year 78 (2023), the magazine Unity and dialogue (Edinost in dialog) touched on the issue of the influence of religion on politics and public life. In both issues, authors from different countries presented examples of the coexistence of politics and religion in some countries of the world and offered an insight into the importance and diversity of the issue of the relationship between religion and politics in the modern world.

Due to the exceptional relevance of the topic, the editors of the magazine Unity and dialogue, which operates under the auspices of the Maribor unit of the Theological Faculty of the University of Ljubljana, in cooperation with the Center of Jewish Cultural Heritage Synagogue Maribor, prepared an international virtual scientific symposium dedicated to the question of the influence of religion on politics and public life, past and present, with a special focus on the Middle East.

The symposium will take place on Wednesday, 18 October 2023, in the Zoom web application. On this occasion, we kindly invite you to join us at the symposium and listen to interesting thematic lectures.

The symposium will start at 9:00 a.m. and end at 5:20 p.m. A more detailed program is available here.

Collection of summaries

The official languages ​​of the symposium will be Slovenian and English. The event will be filmed for promotional purposes. By attending, you consent to the recording.

You can watch the recordings of the symposium HERE.

You are welcome!

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