“The greatest Jew after Christ.” Lev Trotsky and the Russian Revolution

“The greatest Jew after Christ.” Lev Trotsky and the Russian Revolution

16. 11. 2017 
– 16. 11. 2017

Within the framework of the events marking the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution, you are cordially invited to attend the lecture “The Greatest Jew after Christ.” Lev Trotsky and the Russian Revolution. The lecture will be presented by Boris Hajdinjak.

Lev Bronstein, better known as Leon Trotsky, was born in 1879 in today Ukraine. His family was quite unusual for that time Russia: among others, it did not speak Yiddish – the common language of Russian Jews. Nevertheless, Trotsky never concealed or denied his Jewish origin. The title of the lecture “The Greatest Jew after Christ” might seem exaggerated. However, the analysis of Trotsky’s role in the Russian Revolution proves that, despite of the officially leading position of Vladimir Lenin, it was actually Trotsky who was the most recognisable persona of the Russian Revolution. This was due to the fact that he was in the time of Russian civil war present at its numerous battlefields, as well as due to an efficient and by then never seen propaganda. Unfortunately, he was “credited” also for even now quoted notorious formula: “Communist = Jew = Capitalist”.

The lecture was organised within the framework of the project “October Revolution 1917-2017” which was designed in cooperation of the Maribor Public Library, Center of Jewish Cultural Heritage Synagogue Maribor, University of Maribor Library and Maribor Research Station of the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

October Revolution 1917-2017, programme (SLO)

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