Stolen childhood

Stolen childhood

22. 01. 2018 
– 22. 01. 2018

On the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, on Monday, 22 January, at 6 p.m., we cordially invite you to the Synagogue Maribor, Židovska ulica 4, to the Stolen Childhood memorial event. The event is under the mentorship of prof. Alenka Miklavc prepared by the students of II. Maribor high school; they will also hold the event.

As part of the event, we will also open a visiting documentary exhibition of the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Center Auschwitz – A Place on Earth: Auschwitz Album. The album contains the only photographs showing all stages of the extermination of Jews in Auschwitz, except for the killing in the gas chambers. After the war, due to their extraordinary testimony, they were used in trials against the guards in this camp, and even today they are one of the most reliable pieces of evidence against Holocaust deniers. The photographs were taken at the end of May 1944, i.e. at the time when the largest group of Slovenian Jews from Prekmurje arrived in Auschwitz. Most of them were immediately executed. We therefore supplemented the guest exhibition with a presentation of the fate of Prekmurje Jews in Auschwitz.

At the event, visitors will be addressed by the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, Anton Peršak, and the Mayor of the Municipality of Maribor, dr. Andrej Fištravec.


The commemorative event and exhibition were prepared as part of the Shoah – Let us Remember 2018 project with the support of the Municipality of Maribor and the Embassy of the State of Israel. Honorary patron of the project is the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, Anton Peršak.

Organizer: Center of Jewish Cultural Heritage Synagogue Maribor in cooperation with II. the Maribor high school and the Holocaust memorial center Yad Vashem

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