Slovenian victims of Auschwitz in Kadetnica

Slovenian victims of Auschwitz in Kadetnica

18. 07. 2024 
– 10. 09. 2024
Vojaški muzej Slovenske vojske in Center judovske kulturne dediščine Sinagoga Maribor
vljudno vabita na ogled gostujoče razstave avtorja g. Borisa Hajdinjaka
»Tu se je smrt utrudila do smrti …«: Slovenske žrtve Auschwitza.
Razstava bo v Muzeju Slovenske vojske v mariborski Kadetnici (Engelsova ulica 15) do 9. septembra.
The Military Museum of the Slovenian Army and the Center of Jewish Cultural Heritage Synagogue Maribor
kindly invite you to visit the exhibition of Boris Hajdinjak
“Here Is Where Death Worked Itself To Death…”: Slovenian victims of Auschwitz.
The exhibition will be held at the Museum of the Slovenian Army in Maribor Kadetnica (Engelsova ulica 15) until the 9 September.
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