Slovenian Cultural Day 2020

Slovenian Cultural Day 2020

08. 02. 2020 
– 08. 02. 2020

On the occasion of the Slovenian Cultural Day, 8th of February, we prepared an open doors day in the Synagogue Maribor, Židovska Street 4. We prepared the following programme:

  • From 10:00 to 15:00: Open Doors Day,  individual visits to the old synagogue and the present exhibition “Here Is Where Death Worked Itself to Death…”: the Slovenian victims of Auschwitz;
  • At 11:00: “Here Is Where Death Worked Itself to Death…”: the Slovenian victims of Auschwitz, guided tour of the exhibition, led by its author Boris Hajdinjak;
  • At 15:00: Somewhere There Is Still a Sun, presentation of the book by Michael Gruenbaum and Todd Hasak-Lowy, a talk about the book by the translator Zala Stanonik, Marjetka Berlič and Boris Hajdinjak;
  • At 18:00: Orpheus from hell: songs from the concentration camb by Aleksander Kulisiewicz, a musical-literal performance by Jani Kovačič.

Entrance to the Synagogue and participation in the events was free of charge on this day.

The programme during the Slovenian Cultural Day was also part of the project Shoah – Let Us Remember 2020. The honorary patron of the project was the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr. Zoran Poznič.

Programmes of the Synagogue Maribor are financed by the Municipality of Maribor.

Center of Jewish Cultural Heritage Sinagoga Maribor, Publishing house Pivec, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts

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