Slovenian Cultural Day 2017

Slovenian Cultural Day 2017

08. 02. 2018 

On Thursday, 8 February 2018, on the Slovenian cultural holiday, we kindly invite you to the Synagogue Maribor. The synagogue will be open that day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Visitors are invited to view the current documentary exhibition Auschwitz – A Place on Earth: Auschwitz Album, and at 10:15 a.m. and 1 p.m. we will also provide expert guided tours of the exhibition.

We cordially invite you to join us on 8 February at 11 a.m., when we will present the Konzentrationslager Auschwitz photo album in the Synagogue Maribor. It is a photographic diary entry by the renowned Slovenian photographer Branimir Ritonja, which was created last year during the author’s visit to the former Nazi extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau.

The guests at the presentation will be the author Branimir Ritonja and David Braun, the son of Boris Braun, who was interned in Auschwitz.


In 2017, for the first time ever, Branimir Ritonja embarked on a research photographic journey through the heritage of Jewish cemeteries from Trieste and Venice across Central Europe to Kraków, Poland. On this trip, he also visited the memorial-museum area of ​​the former extermination camp Auschwitz. Overwhelmed by the vastness, the sinister and at the same time the unusual tranquility of one of the largest killing grounds in Europe, even such an experienced photographic master as Branimir Ritonja felt that the story of Auschwitz, even for the sake of piety for the victims, simply cannot be told in any other way than with a completely independent photographic narrative. Branimir Ritonja tells this story in the present photo album. (Marjetka Bedrač)


The organizer of the presentation is the Center of Jewish Cultural Heritage Synagogue Maribor in cooperation with Fotoklub Maribor. The presentation of the photo album is part of the Shoah – Let Us Remember 2018 project. The honorary patron of the project is the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, Anton Peršak. The project was supported by the Municipality of Maribor.

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