Shoah – Let Us Remember 2020

Shoah – Let Us Remember 2020

16. 01. 2020 
– 12. 02. 2020

In Slovenia, the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, 27 January, is commemorated with the Shoah – Let Us Rememberannual project. Within the framework of the project, which includes numerous cultural, museum, research and educational institutions, we prepare exhibitions, experts meetings and several cultural events.

The Holocaust was one of the worst crimes against humanity. In it, about 6 million Jews lost their lives, while Roma and Sinti members of Slavic nations, political prisoners, prisoners of war, Jehovah’s witnesses, homosexuals, physically and mentally impaired people and other individuals considered unacceptable by the Nazi regime were victims of the Nazi persecution as well.

The Holocaust does not represent simply an attempt to destroy the entire Jewish, as well Roma nations but is a synonym for total dehumanization, for an industrialized process of planned murder either by gassing or shooting, either by starvation or exhaustion from labour, to death. As an expression of the final stage of anti-Semitism, the Holocaust is a model example as to what extreme extent hatred, which gradually grows and starts to infect all parts of society, can increase. It is also a reminder of the moral collapse of humanity, therefore through the preservation of the historical memory of the victims of the Holocaust, Genocide of the Roma, Nazi persecution and genocides in general, we endeavour to prevent the emergence of hatred and intolerance which can lead to crimes against humanity.


The honorary patron of the project Shoah – Let Us Remember, 2020, was the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr Zoran Poznič.

Project coordinated by: Center of Jewish Cultural Heritage Synagogue Maribor

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