

21. 04. 2020 
– 21. 04. 2020

On 21st of April 2020, Jews celebrated Yom Hashoah, Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Due to the inability to gather in public and read the names of Holocaust victims, because of the Corona virus, Yad Vashem, the Israeli Holocaust Museum, launched a campaign to publish reading of the names from home. On social media the recordings are tagged with #RememberingFromHome #ShoahNames.

The six clips in this VIDEO were sent to the Center of Jewish Cultural Heritage Synagogue Maribor:

– Erika Fürst, a Holocaust and Auschwitz survivor from Murska Sobota, reading the names of her relatives, who died in Auschwitz and Dachau.

– Lydia Rosner, a survivor of the Holocaust from Maribor, and the daughter of the well-known Maribor Jewish industrialist Mark Rosner, reading the names of her relatives, who died in Belgrade and Auschwitz.

– Domen Kodrič, a historian from Maribor, employee of the Synagogue Maribor, reading the names of Maribor Jews, who died in Auschwitz, Mauthausen, and Stutthof.

– Tanja Benčič Rihtaršič, a historian from Koper, reading the names of Istrian Jews, who died in Dachau and Auschwitz.

– Marjetka Berlič, a history teacher from Drago Kobal Elementary School in Maribor, reading the names of Jews from Lendava, who died in Auschwitz and Gleiwitz.

– Ruth, the daughter of two Holocaust survivors, reading the names of her relatives, who died in Stara Gradiška and Jesenovac. Ruth’s father, Dan Stockhammer, was saved by the Slovenian Righteous Among the Nations, Ivan and Ljubica Župančič.

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