Maribor between Ottokar von Traungau and Suleiman the Magnificent

Maribor between Ottokar von Traungau and Suleiman the Magnificent

31. 03. 2022 

On 20th of October 1164 in the castle of Marburg the border count of Styria Ottokar VI. von Traungau issued a document that is not only the first written mention or “birthday” of Maribor and therefore a municipal holiday, but also the beginning of written sources for its history.

A large part of written sources for the history of Maribor in the Middle and New Ages was published in the collection Material for the History of Maribor by the recently deceased academician prof. dr. Jože Mlinarič. This exceptional contribution of Mlinarič to the knowledge of Maribor allows us to get to know what is still preserved today by the witnesses of the document from 1254 in which Maribor is first mentioned as a city, the most prominent Maribor citizen Paltram, when he visited the Maribor synagogue in 1354. Rabbi Isserlein, when he became the most influential rabbi of the Roman-German Empire after 1428, and Maribor City Judge Krištof Willenrainer, when in 1532 he led the defence of the city against the army of the Turkish Sultan Suleiman II. the Magnificent. In the lecture after the guided tour, the preserved remains of the history of Maribor between the 12th and 16th centuries will be presented in more depth and in chronological order.

Guided tour will begin on Thursday, 31. III. 2022
It will start at 4 pm and will last around 2 hours.
The meeting place will be at the Jurčič monument on General Maister Square.

The lecture will be on Thursday, 31. III. 2022
It will start at 7 pm and will last for about an hour and a half.
The lecture will take place in the Judicial Tower.

Following in the footsteps of the period between the 12th and 16th centuries in Maribor, Boris Hajdinjak will lead the guided tour and the lecture on it.

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