Josef Schleich, “Judenschlepper” from Graz

Josef Schleich, “Judenschlepper” from Graz

29. 03. 2018 
– 29. 03. 2018

Josef Schleich was not the only one who sent persecuted people from the Third Reich abroad during the time of National Socialist terror, but he did it in a big way in the years 1938-1941 with the help of a professional and well-organized smuggling organization. Thousands of Jews paid him to smuggle them across the border into Yugoslavia and thus help them escape death. He did this not only with permission, but even at the behest of the Gestapo. But most of the Jewish refugees saw him as the only chance for survival, while others, on the contrary, condemned him as a collaborator of the National Socialists.

We kindly invite you to the presentation of the book by dr. Walter Brunner Josef Schleich, “Judenschlepper” aus Graz 1938–1941, Eine Dokumentation (Forschungen zur geschichtlichen Landeskunde der Steiermark, Band 78, Wien, Lit Verlag, 2017). Dr. Walter Brunner is an Austrian historian and retired archivist, long-time director of the Styrian Provincial Archives and lecturer in Austrian history at the University of Graz. The guest author will be introduced by dr. Andrej Hozjan, and Brigita Praprotnik will discuss the book with him. The conversation will be in German, a Slovenian translation will be provided.


The presentation of the book was supported by the Municipality of Maribor.

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