

Fortress of Ashes

“Tonight’s journey will not be pleasant, on the short literary road, there will be no laughter and no satisfaction, just an insight of what we experienced, what we went through…” …This is a time that less and less people remember, as fewer and fewer contemporaries of the former Fascism, Nazism and later Communism regimes remain

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Slađana Matić Trstenjak: The sky is crying

»Systematic destruction of people, either due to their different view of life and religion or due to their racial or national origin, is unfortunately still a dreadful topical issue in today’s world. In Slađana Matić Trstenjak’s paintings, holocaust is symbolically manifested like soulless golem, threateningly rising like an enormous gloomy mountain at the background of

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Each Year One Name 2015: Marko Rosner

Vsakoletna znanstvena srečanja, organizirana ob mednarodnem dnevu spomina na žrtve holokavsta, so namenjena predstavitvi najnovejših izsledkov raziskav s področja zgodovine holokavsta in antisemitizma. Na letošnjem srečanju, posvečenem mariborskemu predvojnemu judovskemu podjetniku Marku Rosnerju, bo mogoče prisluhniti predavanjem priznanih domačih in tujih zgodovinarjev in raziskovalcev, med njimi prof. Borisu Hajdinjaku, prof. Romanu Mirniku, dr. Marjanu Tošu,

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Klara Kukovec

Maribor’s history has been marked by many individuals who, in different periods, significantly co-shaped the city’s life and pulse. One of them was doctor Klara Kukovec, the first woman with a private medical practice in the city. Klara was born as Chaya Lea Doktor in 1883 in Kherson, today’s Ukraine. Already in her early childhood,

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Porajmos in the context of the history of the persecution of Roma and Sinti

Between 1939 and 1945, the Nazis killed almost 500,000 Roma and Sinti, according to more recent estimates, even around 600,000. Heinrich Himmler, one of the main organizers and executors of the Nazi genocide, tirelessly devised anti-Roma laws and decrees for the mass extermination of these ethnic groups, and on 15 November 1943, he officially equated

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