

Shoah – Let Us Remember 2019

In Slovenia, the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, 27 January, is commemorated with the Shoah – Let Us Rememberannual project. Within the framework of the project, which includes numerous cultural, museum, research and educational institutions, we prepare exhibitions, experts meetings and several cultural events. The Holocaust was one of the worst crimes against humanity. In it, about 6 […]

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Imagine that this had happened!

Center of Jewish Cultural Heritage Synagogue Maribor, Jewish Cultural Center Ljubljana, and Mini Theater invite you to the main rememberence celebration marking the International Holocaust Remembrance Day “Imagine that this had happened!” We invite you to join us in the Maribor Synagogue on Thursday, 24 January, at 18:00. Director of JCC Ljubljana Robert Waltl will do the traditional reading

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From the desert to the table

Dear visitors, You are kindly invited to the final guided tour of the exhibition “From the desert to the table”. The tour will take place on Wednesday, 9 January 2019, at 6 pm in the Synagogue Maribor (Židovska Street 4) with the author of the exhibition Samo Skralovnik, PhD. Afterwards, a presentation of an accompanying exhibition catalogue will follow, as

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José Saramago – Gospel according to Jesus Christ

Rotovški bralni klub vas v torek, 4. 12. 2018, ob 17.30 vabi v Čitalnico Rotovž (Rotovški trg 1) na pogovor o romanu Evangelij po Jezusu Kristusu, ki ga je napisal portugalski nobelovec José Saramago. S sklepnim bralnim klubom sezone in izbiro biblične tematike se pridružujemo dogajanju ob izjemni biblični arheološki razstavi Od puščave do mize, ki stoji v

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The Biblical Archeological Collection – A Window to the World of the Old East

On Friday, 30 November, at 18:00 in the Maribor Synagogue there will be a lecture of Aleksandra Nestorović and Andrej Preložnik titled “The Biblical Archeological Collection – A Window to the World of the Old East”. The biblical archeological collection of the Theological library of Maribor is not the only Slovenian collection of objects from outside of

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