European Days of Jewish Culture 2020: Jewish Journeys

The European Days of Jewish Culture (EDJC) is a pan-European project that, for the twenty-first year in a row, offers visitors an in-depth insight into individual aspects of Jewish culture and heritage. This year’s central theme is JEWISH JOURNEYS, and while it may seem contradictory, it may be more relevent than ever. Travel and migration are an important […]

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Terra Sancta 1910

Terra Sancta 1910: The Largest Slovene Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, photographs of Peter Naglič. The exhibition will be on display at the Maribor Synagogue from 6 September to 10 November 2020. “God-fearing Slovenes! A unique opportunity is presenting itself to you. The time is right, the prices are low, the journey is tempting,” wrote the

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Forward to the Past 1

The Synagogue Maribor joins the Forward to the Past project. Slovenian museums and galleries moved their operations online during the COVID-19 epidemic and continued to successfully fulfill their mission, promote cultural heritage and maintain contact with their visitors and service users. Our job is to preserve the past by taking care of our common heritage,

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Open horizons with Marko Radomilovič

As part of the Summer Evening at Židovska, we invite you to a conversation with Marko Radmilovič. Marko Radmilovič is a renowned columnist and insightful commentator on the current affairs, a journalist, filmmaker and author of the popular radio show Notes from the swamp. His debut novel entitled Kolesar (cyclist) was recently published by Beletrina publishing house. The story

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On 21st of April 2020, Jews celebrated Yom Hashoah, Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day. Due to the inability to gather in public and read the names of Holocaust victims, because of the Corona virus, Yad Vashem, the Israeli Holocaust Museum, launched a campaign to publish reading of the names from home. On social media the recordings

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Jewish-Christian sources and dimensions of dialogue

Fifty-five years ago, the special council statement Nostra Aetate was published, which enabled a systematic dialogue between the Catholic Church and Judaism. The magazine Uniti and dialogue will dedicate the second issue of year 75 (2020), prepared in cooperation with the Center of Jewish Cultural Heritage Synagogue Maribor and with the support of the ARRS

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The Destruction of Memory

The award-winning documentary The Destruction of Memory focuses on the importance of cultural heritage for humanity and the need to protect it. We kindly invite you to the screening of the movie Destruction of Memory, which will take place on Thursday, 5 March 2020, at 6 pm at the Maribor Synagogue (Židovska ulica 4). Thev award-winning documentary The Memory Destruction (directed by Tim Slade,

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