

Slovenian victims of Auschwitz in Kadetnica

Vojaški muzej Slovenske vojske in Center judovske kulturne dediščine Sinagoga Maribor vljudno vabita na ogled gostujoče razstave avtorja g. Borisa Hajdinjaka »Tu se je smrt utrudila do smrti …«: Slovenske žrtve Auschwitza. Razstava bo v Muzeju Slovenske vojske v mariborski Kadetnici (Engelsova ulica 15) do 9. septembra. The Military Museum of the Slovenian Army and

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Call for teachers training in Dachau 2024

Call for teachers and educators: Training “Power of personal stories in confronting oblivion”,  1-4 September 2024, Dachau From the 1 to 4 September, Max Mannheimer Haus, Documenta, and their international partners, will organize the training for teachers and educators “Power of personal stories in confronting oblivion”. The training will take place in Dachau, Germany, and

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Women. Stories of Women Who Influenced the World

The touring exhibition of the Museum of Jewish Culture in Bratislava tells about inspiring women of Jewish origin who are connected to today’s Slovakian territory – either they were born here, lived here or were of Slovak origin – and whose work also reached the international arena. The selection of personalities presented at the exhibition

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