Call for Papers for a special issue of Unity and Dialogue and an International Scientific Conference

Call for Papers for a special issue of Unity and Dialogue and an International Scientific Conference

31. 03. 2020 
– 30. 09. 2020

Call for Papers for a special issue of Unity and Dialogue and an International Scientific Conference

Jewish-Christian Sources and Dimensions of Dialogue

Unity and Dialogue,Journal for Ecumenical Theology and Interreligious Dialogue, will – in collaboration with Center of Jewish Cultural Heritage Synagogue Maribor and with the support of the ARRS Programme Jewish-Christian Sources and Dimensions of Justice P6-0262(A) – mark the 55th anniversary of the promulgation of the Nostra Aetate (NA) in 2020 with a special issue of Unity and Dialogue and an International Scientific Conference. Like the Declaration, the special issue and the Conference will focus on the relationship between the Catholic Church and Jews. Jewish roots of Christianity uniquely determine their mutual dialogue and mutual understanding. The special issue and the Conference will accordingly address theological, historical and cultural issues, raised in recent decades, and highlight a special status of the relationship between the Catholic Church and Jews.

The main suggested topics are:

1. Nostra Aetate and Beyond
The approach of the Catholic Church toward Jews, the approach of the Orthodox Christians toward Jews…

2. Jewish-Christian Dialogue in Slovenia and Beyond
Jews in Slovenia (and beyond), coexistence and influences in various fields (e.g. architecture, customs, language…).

3. Important and Prominent Personalities
Important authors in the field of Jewish-Christian dialogue, e.g. Martin Buber, Jacob Neusner, Joseph Ratzinger – Benedict XVI…, and their work.

4. The Relationship Between the Old and the New Testament
The importance of the New Testament for Jews and the dialogue, the importance of the Old Testament for Christians and the dialogue, various theological, exegetical, dogmatic, patristic issues, ancient sources for the Jewish-Christian dialogue…

5. Various Initiatives for an Interreligious Dialogue and Its Challenges in the Post-council Period.

– Maksimilijan Matjaž, PhD, Assoc. Prof, Editor in Chief
– Samo Skralovnik, PhD, Assist. Prof, Editor in Chief Assistant
– Irena Avsenik Nabergoj, PhD, Assoc. Prof, Head of ARRS Programme
– Boris Hajdinjak, Director of Synagogue Maribor

Unity and Dialogue is a scientific journal of the Stanko Janežič Institute of Dogmatic, Fundamental and Ecumenical Theology and of Religiology and Dialogue at the Faculty of Theology of University of Ljubljana with recension. The journal is indexed in Scopus, ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities), RTA (Religious and Theological Abstracts), ATLA Religion Database (American Theological Library Association), dLib (The Digital Library of Slovenia).



– The deadline for a confirmation of participation with a title of paper and abstract in English (200–300 words of abstract and 5–7 keywords) is due on March 31th, 2020.

– The deadline for submitting full paper is due on September 30th, 2020.

– The Conference will take place on 3.–4. November 2020 in the premises of the Center of Jewish Cultural Heritage Synagogue Maribor.

The text submitted must not yet have been published or submitted for a review elsewhere. The text must be sent in an electronic form via e-mail of the journal ( No fees shall be paid for the articles published in the journal. References must be provided in accordance with the methodology of scientific work at the Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana (please, see enclosed Instructions for contributors).

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