Branko Šömen: Cintor

Branko Šömen: Cintor

23. 05. 2013 

Jewish cemetery i.e. “židovski cintor” (expression in dialect of the Prekmurje region), as we have named our literary-musical evening, is a selection of several worldwide Jewish anthologies. The first one, entitled “Jewish Anthology in Polish”, was published in 1980 in London and includes poetry of Polish Jews from 1868–1968. Selection and data for the anthology was collected by literate Zew Szeps. The anthology presents poems of 120 poets, including poems of Marc Chagall, Mordechai Gebirtig, Mosze Nadir, Debora Vogel and others.

The second anthology “Voices Within the Arc”, edited by Howard Schwartz and Anthony Rudolf, was published in New York. This anthology has more than 1000 pages and covers 600 Jewish poets worldwide: Among others it includes famous authors such as Anna Akhmatova, Joseph Brodsky, Paul Celan, Leonard Cohen, Allen Ginsberg, Heinrich Heine, Franz Kafka, Ewa Lipska, Osip Mandelstam, Pablo Neruda, Ezra Pound, Joseph Roth, Nelly Sachs, Antoni Slonimski, Georg Trakl… A special section is dedicated to South European poets such as Monny de Boully, Stanislav Vinaver, and especially Tomaž Šalamun as a Slovene Jew. The poems of the latter have been translated into English by Michael Scammell and Veno Taufer.

Let us open ourselves to the words of Jewish poets, dead and alive, unknown and forgotten: To the ones who have established themselves not only in life but also in poetry, and to the ones that sadly ended in collective graves and caves on forgotten and ruined cemeteries all around the world, and at home.

Literary-musical evening “Cintor” is dedicated to the 69th anniversary of mass deportations of the Jews from Prekmurje region to the concentration camps.

General donor of the project is Dravske elektrarne Maribor (DEM).

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