Bogdan Borčić: In principio erat Dachau

Bogdan Borčić: In principio erat Dachau

28. 01. 2021 
– 16. 04. 2021

One of the most important Slovenian artists in the field of painting and graphics, Bogdan Borčić, created a graphic folder In principio erat Dachau in 2014 on behalf of the Museum of the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial.

In principio erat Dachau was created by Bogdan Boričić as a series of eight graphics in seven prints. At this exhibition in Synagogue Maribor, we present the entire graphic folder, which is kept in the Bogdan Borčić Graphic Art Room in the Božidar Jakac Gallery in Kostanjevica na Krki. Along with the graphics, some of the author’s preparatory drawings for the mentioned graphics and the drawing “Dachau” from 1993 are also exhibited.

Bogdan Borčić (1926, Ljubljana–2014, Slovenj Gradec) studied at the painting school of Matej Sternen and drawings school of France Gorše in Ljubljana in 1943/44. In 1944 he was imprisoned in Dachau concentration camp. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts Ljubljana where he later worked as a Professor, and in Paris. In 2005, he received Prešeren award for his life opus. He is one of the most important artists of contemporary Slovene painting and one of the main representatives of Ljubljana School of Graphic Art. His work clearly shows the development of Modernist painting, starting with realistic representations and evolving through the phases of gradual disintegration of the object towards complete minimalistic – and, finally, associative – abstraction, with thoroughly present spirit of existentialism.

The video clip of the virtual opening of the exhibition can be viewed HERE and on our Facebook.

Exhibition leaflet

The exhibition was prepared as part of the ‘Shoah – Let Us Remember 2021’ project, which was funded by the Municipality of Maribor and the Embassy of the State of Israel.
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