Cultural quiz

Cultural quiz

15. 05. 2024 
– 15. 05. 2024

On Wednesday, 15 May 2024, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., we invite you to the Ljudski vrt stadium in Maribor, where the 2nd Mental Health Festival will take place. There, at the stand of the Ministry of Culture and the Cultural Bazaar, you will also find a cultural quiz, which was prepared by the Synagogue Maribor together with other cultural institutes in Maribor. If you do well, there are also convenient rewards waiting for you.

At the same time, you are invited to visit the entire varied festival program, with which the organizers want to present the field of mental health and raise awareness of the importance of mental health, which is much more than the mere absence of illness. Culture and art contribute significantly to our health and well-being, as they enable fascination and satisfaction with aesthetic experience, encourage free research and experimentation, develop empathic abilities and social inclusion and connection, encourage the activation of our senses, deeper self-reflection and understanding of reality.

Programme of cultural and artistic workshops for well-being  >
More about the 2nd Mental Health Festival  >

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