European Days of Jewish Culture: Diasporas

European Days of Jewish Culture: Diasporas

31. 08. 2017 
– 19. 09. 2017

The European Days of Jewish Culture (EDJC) is an all-European project that provides the visitors to its events a comprehensive insight into individual aspects of Jewish culture and heritage.

Each year, organisers in more than 30 Europeans countries join the EDJC project offering about 900 activities in different cities. The EDJC is this year devoted to the topic of the “Diasporas”. A diaspora (from Greek διασπορά, “scattering, dispersion”) is a scattered population that maintains collective memory of a shared homeland. In the case of the Jews, the original homeland is Eretz Yisrael, the Land of Israel. Yet the longing for the homeland did not prevent Jews from creating “homes away from home”. For almost two thousand years, the Jewish communities are thus an integral part of European life – socially, economically, intellectually, culturally, politically, and religiously.

In Slovenia, the European days of Jewish culture will be celebrated in Maribor, Ljubljana, Lendava, Murska Sobota, Negova, Rožna Dolina near Nova Gorica and Nova Gorica. The organisers have prepared a variety of programmes, such as open doors days, guided tours, exhibitions, lectures, concerts, etc., with which we would like to encourage our visitors to discover the beauties and richness of Jewish culture, as well as raise public awareness on the importance of Jewish heritage protection and preservation within European cultural heritage. The European days of Jewish culture will start in Slovenia on Thursday, 31st August, and conclude on Tuesday, 19th September.

Europe and Jewish diaspora

Programme by city

Programme by date

Programme across Europe

Visit to all programmes, except for the concert of the Vienna Tango Quintet, is free.

Organisers of the EDCJ 2017 in Slovenia are Center of Jewish Cultural Heritage Synagogue Maribor, Cultural Centre Narodni dom Maribor, Kultprotur – Institute for Culture, Tourism and Promotion Gornja Radgona, Negova Castle, Gallery-Museum Lendava, Lendava Synagogue – Slovenian Holocaust Museum, Pomurje Museum Murska Sobota, Regional and Study Library Murska Sobota, Jewish Cultural Centre Ljubljana, Mini Theatre, Goriška Regional Museum Kromberk – Nova Gorica and Local Community of Rožna Dolina.

The project was supported by the Municipality of Maribor. Individual event were supported also by the Austrian Cultural Forum and Israeli Embassy to Slovenia.

The national coordinator of the EDJC in Slovenia is the Center of Jewish Cultural Heritage Synagogue Maribor.

Organisers of the events reserve the right to amend the programme. Visitors are cordially requested to follow notifications on the websites of particular organisers.

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