José Saramago – Gospel according to Jesus Christ

José Saramago – Gospel according to Jesus Christ

04. 12. 2018 
– 04. 12. 2018

Rotovški bralni klub vas v torek, 4. 12. 2018, ob 17.30 vabi v Čitalnico Rotovž (Rotovški trg 1) na pogovor o romanu Evangelij po Jezusu Kristusu, ki ga je napisal portugalski nobelovec José Saramago.

S sklepnim bralnim klubom sezone in izbiro biblične tematike se pridružujemo dogajanju ob izjemni biblični arheološki razstavi Od puščave do mize, ki stoji v Sinagogi Maribor. Pogovarjali se bomo o velikem romanu, v katerem portugalski pisatelj in Nobelov nagrajenec predstavi alternativni pogled na življenje in delo Jezusa Kristusa. Pogovor o knjigi bo usmerjala Jasna Mlakar.


The Rotovški reading club invites you to the Rotovž Reading Room (Rotovški trg 1) on Tuesday, 4 December 2018, at 5:30 p.m., to a discussion about the novel The Gospel of Jesus Christ, written by the Portuguese Nobel laureate José Saramago.

With the final reading club of the season and a selection of biblical themes, we join the events of the extraordinary biblical archeology exhibition From the Desert to the Table, which is located in the Synagogue Maribor. We will talk about the great novel in which the Portuguese writer and Nobel laureate presents an alternative view of the life and work of Jesus Christ. The conversation about the book will be directed by Jasna Mlakar.


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