Jewish-Christian sources and dimensions of dialogue

Jewish-Christian sources and dimensions of dialogue

17. 03. 2020 
– 17. 03. 2020

Fifty-five years ago, the special council statement Nostra Aetate was published, which enabled a systematic dialogue between the Catholic Church and Judaism.

The magazine Uniti and dialogue will dedicate the second issue of year 75 (2020), prepared in cooperation with the Center of Jewish Cultural Heritage Synagogue Maribor and with the support of the ARRS research program Jewish-Christian sources and dimensions of justice P6-0262(A), to the 55th anniversary. publication of the declaration of Nostra Aetate. This enabled a systematic dialogue between the Catholic Church and Judaism. The special issue will address the theological, historical and cultural issues shaped in recent decades and highlight the special status of Jewish-Catholic dialogue.

The contributions, which will be published in the aforementioned edition of the magazine Unity and Dialogue, will also be presented at an international scientific symposium, which is expected to take place in April 2021 at the Unit in Maribor, Faculty of Theology, UL and at the Center of Jewish Cultural Heritage Synagogue Maribor.

More details about the symposium are available here.

Collection of summaries

Digital version of the magazine

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